The Fake Church vs the Real Church

A fake church avoids preaching the full gospel in order to not offend anyone. A true church preaches the full gospel in order to save everyone. Can I get an amen?

The New Testament predicted that during the last days, there will be a falling away of saints from the faith. It also predicted that many saints will prefer pastors who preach what they WANT to hear (aka “itching ears”), instead of what they NEED to hear. Revelation 2 outlines 7 kinds of churches in a way to help us tell the difference between the fake churches and the real churches. Yet too many of us are allowing the big fake churches to turn us away from congregating with each other. To all the churches that have remained faithful and true to the teachings of Jesus Christ, I salute and thank you. But to all the others, who are really churches of Satan, you better repent before a worse judgment comes upon you!


It might be easier to define a true church than a fake church, because we all have our notions of what a fake church is. But let’s take off the gloves and get to the heart of a fake church. A fake church is one that only preaches what the people want to hear. A fake church mortgages church property to Satanic banks at interest. Why? Because not one bank of this world will allow a church that preaches the true gospel to borrow money to finance a megachurch. Banks are part of Mystery Babylon the Great, the Great Whore. This whore is not going to lend money unconditionally to a church that exposes her and her harlot daughters, which is a metaphor of the many secret societies that run this Satanic world.

So what is a fake church, and what is a true church? Listen closely and decide for yourself…

A fake church demands to see pay stubs and income tax returns in order to boost revenues at the expense of the less fortunate church goers. A true church has faith that Jesus Christ will inspire the church goers to cheerfully give whatever they can afford.

A fake church allows wicked, lying politicians to stand in the pulpit to seek fake votes or to spread a deceptive agenda. A true church knows that the kingdom of Jesus Christ is not of this world.

A fake church never preaches the unpopular parts of the New Testament. Jesus Christ had his most heated moments when confronting the corruption and extreme arrogance of the elite Jewish leadership in Jerusalem. Though He Himself was Jewish by birth through Mary, the sharp words Jesus, and His Apostles, aimed at this Jewish leadership would be considered anti-Semitic today. The mainstream media would blackball a true Church that preaches these parts of the Gospel. Real churches would be boycotted, and most likely burned or destroyed. Fake churches avoid these parts of the gospel in order to appease this Satanic society.

A fake church offers VIP parking and the best seats in the church building to the world’s celebrities when they visit. A true church remembers that Jesus Christ condemned the Pharisees for the same exact thing.

A fake church demands a tithe plus offering to cover all kinds of expenses and questionable spending. A true church is thankful for whatever a cheerful giver can give, trusting in Jesus to provide the rest.

A fake church is quick to ask for money but slow to give. A true church is slow to ask for money but quick to give. Amen?

A fake church requires a fee for bereavement care counseling after the death of a loved one. A true church is there to support those who mourn at no cost.

A fake church has faith only in the medicines of man. A true church has faith in the healing power of Jesus Christ.

A fake church borrows money from secular banks in order to mortgage buildings, enslaving the church members to money. A true church meets in places it owns or can afford without owing any man anything.

A fake church believes this current Jerusalem in the Middle East is the eternal capital of the deceptive, violent anti-Christ State of Israel. A true church knows that it is the true spiritual Israel, and that the New Jerusalem is the eternal spiritual capital of the true Israel, which is the Church Bride of Jesus Christ. Facts!

A fake church pursues lucrative media network deals with Hollywood style companies in order to maximize profits. A true church flees the devil in Hollywood and relies only on Jesus Christ to reach the masses without regard to profit.

A fake church avoids controversy by appeasing the political correctness of this world. A true church speaks the full gospel, raw and unfiltered, without compromise but out of a spirit of love and grace.

A fake church becomes unequally yoked with the various secret societies of the world. A true church remembers that Jesus Christ kept no secrets and was always transparent.

A fake church throws big events and invites the most admired celebrities of the world in order to boost attendance and get more ticket sales. A true church has small events and honors the less fortunate.

A fake church has leaders who insist they deserve the best luxury cars and homes because they have been blessed more than others. A true church firmly believes that the meek, humble and less fortunate shall inherit the earth.

A fake church relies on the governments of this world to help its community when a disaster hits even though it has enough money to do it in the name of Jesus Christ. A true church has faith in Jesus Christ to care for it’s community during every crisis, knowing that Jesus fed the 5,000 out of nothing.

A fake church relies on facial recognition technology to keep track of church attendance in order to maximize profits. A true church relies on Jesus Christ to bring people to the church for salvation.

Keep this in mind.

Fake Church vs Real Church


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