Antichrist Alert: Gotta Know the Difference Between the Fake Jerusalem and the Real One

A large number of deceived Christians have been indoctrinated to believe that the current Jerusalem in the secular State of Israel is the same eternal Jerusalem as the New Jerusalem Jesus Christ revealed to His servant John in the Book of Revelation. False prophets in and out of the church pulpit have deliberately deceived their churchgoers into believing that this current fake Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel. Do you even know what Jerusalem is? Do you know what Israel is?

Do your homework as soon as possible before you get tricked into worshipping the fake Jesus, who will call Himself “Yeshua,” despite the fact that Jesus’ name was revealed in ancient Greek, knowing that the Gospel would be opened up to the Gentiles, many of whom spoke Hellenized koine Greek at the time…

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Getty Images/NPR. The current Jerusalem, with its secular divisions and strife

What is Jerusalem? Jerusalem, in the Old Testament, was the capital of our Heavenly Father’s earthly Israelite kingdom. From the time of the first Israelite King Saul, until the 10 Tribes of Israel were “disappeared” from history, and the 3 tribes under Judah were sent into the Babylonian captivity, there was a kind of bipolar, on again off again, love hate relationship between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of Israel.

Aholah and Aholibah - D'Foyer
Aholah and Aholibah – D’Foyer

Ezekiel 23 describes in detail the story of two sisters, Aholah and Aholibah, who committed adultery against our Heavenly Father. False prophets in the pulpit have avoided discussing these two symbols of spiritual fornication going on in Israel at the time, which has implications for prophecy today. They were the daughters of one mother, says verse 2. Why is this important? Because Israel is that mother! When God allowed the prophet Samuel to grant the hard headed Children of Israel a human king to replace Himself, the spiritual streak of direct divine rule from the time the Israelites left Egyptian slavery until King Saul was weakened. That is, the spiritual bond between God and Israelites, once a solid direct bond, was weakened by having a regular human, Saul, be the intermediary between God and the Israelites. This is what Satan wanted because it gave him wiggle room to lead Israel astray.

And that he did!

Aholah and Aholibah - Scott Nevins Memorial
Aholah and Aholibah – Scott Nevins Memorial

This break in direct divine rule paved the way for the true spiritual Israel, the sole bride of God, to be split into two promiscuous spiritual wives: the 10 northern tribes (Aholah) and the 2 1/2 southern tribes under Judah (Aholibah). Did God want this scenario of two Israelite nations? of course not, but the Israelites chose to get rid of direct divine rule and have a human king over them, so it was their fault for this split. Long story short, both of these nations co-existed and sometimes obeyed God, sometimes not. God got tired of this back and forth wishy washy spiritual state, so He finally divorced them and got rid of them.

He kept a remnant in Jerusalem to maintain His temple and the land, but eventually even this remnant proved unworthy because they eventually rejected Jesus Christ and sought to overthrow Rome to establish their own kingdom with Satan as their head (remember, according to the Parable of the Tenants, they accepted the temptation of Satan that Jesus Christ rejected). The end of the Jerusalem of the Bible came in 70 AD.

The destruction of Jerusalem A.D. 70

Keep in mind that Jesus Christ said no stone of the temple of Jerusalem at that time would be left upon another, and His prophecy came true, which is why the current “Wailing Wall” in Jerusalem is fake! Jesus Christ, while on the cross, would also say, “it is finished,” marking the end of His trying to reach the remnant of Judah under the Pharisees for the last time. Now the gospel is offered to all, regardless of race, Jew and Gentile alike, male and female, rich and poor.

The Wailing Wall Mystery
The Wailing Wall Mystery. Watch the YouTube video (link provided) for an interesting history

They rejected Him as a nation! Say that again, those who still believe in this fake Jerusalem today. They rejected Him after witnessing all His astonishing miracles 2,000 years ago. They knew he brought Lazarus back from the dead, something no one has done before or since then! He even raised Himself from the grave, and yet they tried to bribe the Roman officials to cover it up. So if they rejected all of that back then, why do you somehow think they will have a change of heart and accept that same Jesus Christ today, you foolish ones? There is no wisdom in that. There is a remnant of the 12 Tribes of the true Israel that will embrace Jesus Christ, but they are not in this fake Jerusalem. Our Heavenly Father knows who they are, but they have to be out of the public’s eye for now until the appointed time, due to Satan and his human children wanting them dead, much like they will do to the Two Witnesses.

The Two Witnesses

Since 70 AD, Satan has been working to give his human children, the ones who reject Jesus Christ, the wealth of the world, with the fake Israel and fake Jerusalem as their kingdom. They needed the division between Christians and Muslims to force war after expensive war over the many centuries to get to where we are now, and they have tricked many on both sides, especially among western Christians, into believing that this Antichrist kingdom based in this fake Israel and fake Jerusalem is the New Jerusalem spoken of in Revelation. It is not!

heavenly-new-jerusalem - David's Tent DC
heavenly-new-jerusalem – David’s Tent DC

Jesus Christ made it very simple and plain that the true Jerusalem is His spiritual bride, the New Jerusalem, which will be transfigured with all those saints who waited on Jesus Christ’s marriage ceremony. This spiritual city will have 12 gates for the 12 Apostles. It will descend from Heaven above, not be built over centuries of bloodshed and demonic wars financed by greed. Pay attention. If after all this, you still believe the fake Jerusalem over in fake Israel is the eternal capital of Israel, then you are solidly under the curse of 2 Thessalonians 2. Pray for the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ, the only name by which you can be saved, to break this curse and open your eyes before it is too late. Amen.



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